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About Us

School History

The Aboriginal Education Department originated in the late 1970’s in response to the need to provide more successful, and culturally appropriate, learning opportunities to Aboriginal students. A Native Education Advisory Committee, with limited representation of the local Aboriginal community, was established to assist in long term planning. Today the Aboriginal Education Team operates out of the Aboriginal Education Centre on Shepherd Avenue, and receives direction from an Aboriginal Education Council representing each of the four local Bands, the local Métis Association, and Friendship Centre. The Aboriginal Education Council has been instrumental in ensuring, through a proposed Aboriginal Education Enhancement Agreement, that a long term plan remains in place to improve the educational experience of students of First Nations ancestry.

Aboriginal Education Team

The Aboriginal Education Team is funded by the Aboriginal Education Targeted Grant designed to:

  • improve school success for Aboriginal students
  • increase Aboriginal voice
  • promote knowledge of Aboriginal language, culture, and history for all students
  • ensure effective use of resources to increase Aboriginal communities' satisfaction with the public school system.

The team consists of 2 youth care workers, 10 support workers, 3.5 teachers and a district principal. The function of the team is to assist schools identify Aboriginal student/family/community needs, plan intervention, and provide schools with program and service support to address Aboriginal-specific needs.


All students of First Nations ancestry, through equitable education opportunity, will experience an education that inspires a love for learning, pride in oneself and community, and optimism toward the future.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Aboriginal Education Team is to:

  • Provide social/emotional and academic support services to students
  • Provide intervention programs and promote instructional strategies designed to enhance critical skills
  • Improve opportunities to culturally relevant curriculum
  • Honor and actively support the revitalization of the histories, cultures, governance and languages of the First Nations whose traditional and adopted territories are served by School District No. 28
  • Improve Aboriginal student transition and graduation rates
  • Improve cross-cultural respect in the classroom, school, and community environment while recognizing the uniqueness of Aboriginal People and each First Nation culture.
  • Promote and respond to parental, community, and governance voice in the schooling process.
  • Provide advocacy for Aboriginal students, parents, and staff.

The Aboriginal Education Team strives to support Aboriginal student academic and social success as articulated in Student Defined goals, Aboriginal Education Council goals, School Growth Plan goals, and District Accountability Contract goals.


The Aboriginal Education Team values:

  • The belief that Indigenous People have a right to self-determined education
  • That all students can succeed and are worthy of success
  • That school, in partnership with community, holistically address the emotional, spiritual, physical and intellectual development of children and youth
  • Honesty and generosity
  • Consideration and compassion for others
  • Responsibility, respect, and duty to self and community
  • Fairness and forgiveness
ICON - Language ICON - Language

Carrier Language

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ICON - Education Committee ICON - Education Committee

Culture Resource Teacher

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ICON - Health & Safety ICON - Health & Safety

Indigenous Education Support

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ICON - AbEd Focus Day ICON - AbEd Focus Day

Non-Instructional Day / Indigenous Focus

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